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綜藝節目 - 極速前進 第1季
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請來了八組人員參加:張鐵林與其女兒月亮,劉芸與應采兒,鄭伊健與陳小春,鍾漢良與妹妹Jackie,劉暢與金大川,白舉綱與關曉彤,退役奧運操運冠軍李小鵬與妻子李安琪,周韋彤與辰亦儒Invited eight groupsattended:The chair her daughter the moon,Liu Yun and children should be adopted,Ekin Cheng and Jordan Chan,Wallace Chung and his sister Jackie,Liu Chang and Jin Dachuan,Guan Xiaotong and white cite Gang,Retired Olympic champion Li Xiaopeng and his wife speak op backingvocals,Zhou Weitong and Calvin
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使用发布的信息以反映邓紫棋的极致一面Use of publishedinformation to reflect the extreme side of Deng purple chess
綜藝節目 - 一路上有你
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邀請田亮葉一茜,何潔赫子銘和 張智霖袁詠儀三對明星夫婦為固定嘉賓,遠赴韓國陌生國度共在一片屋檐下生活,一路上的挑戰接受金希澈全程監控。Invite Tian Ye Qian,HeJie-ming and son Julian Cheung Anita celebrity couple for afixedthree guests, went to the Korean foreign country were livingundera roof, the challenges along the way Kim Heechul acceptfullcontrol.
綜藝節目- 我看你有戲
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第1集 20150206 北影保安諷刺中國電影 街舞王獲李冰冰邀戲第2集 20150213 李冰冰被馮導嗆聲崩潰 成龍怒扔張國立抱枕第3集 20150220 好萊塢影星驚喜亮相 成龍挖苦張國立不懂武第4集 20150227 成家班踢館惹成龍震怒 嘎子哥重戰江湖引讚賞第5集 20150306 多才甄嬛引導師搶約 文藝女兵神似范爺第6集 20150313 馮小剛被弄哭向文青女撒嬌_成龍憐香惜玉狂護犢第7集 20150320 街頭美女藝人搶成龍風頭_機靈太監揶揄皇帝張國立第8集 20150327 李冰冰被嗆向大哥撒嬌_馮小剛吹笛張國立銷魂伴舞第9集 20150403 王力宏驚喜現身助陣_馮小剛陷害成龍做惡人Episode 1 20,150,206Northshadow security satire Chinese movie theater invited hip-hopking iseligible JokeEpisode 2 is Fengdao audibles 20,150,213 Joke collapse JackieZhangGuoli anger throw pillowEpisode 3 20,150,220 surprise appearance Hollywood actorJackieChan, Zhang Guoli not understand sarcasm WuEpisode 4 20,150,227 stunt Tiguan provoke the wrath of GazibrotherJackie Battle itinerant heavy lead appreciationEpisode 5 over 20,150,306 Zhen Huan was robbed about literaryfemaleteacher guide likeness Fan YeEpisode 6 20,150,313 to Wen Qing Feng was cry like a baby _JackieLianxiangxiyu mad woman HuduEpisode 7 20150320 beautiful street artist Jackie grab thelimelight_ teasing emperor clever eunuch Zhang GuoliEpisode 8 20,150,327 Joke choked to a baby brother _ FengZhangGuoli ecstasy dancers PiperEpisode 9 20,150,403 Wang Feng framed surprise appearance tohelpout _ Jackie do wicked
綜藝節目 - 奔跑吧兄弟(中國版Running Man)
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綜藝節目- 花樣姐姐
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節目由奚美娟、徐帆、王琳、林志玲、宋茜 組成花樣姐姐團攜手 馬天宇 和李治廷兩位挑夫展開一場前往土耳其、意大利的旅行。